The young should lead the way
There has been much written about the “New Normal” of a post pandemic urban environment ranging from utopian dreams through to rather dark and prolonged periods of continued isolation and recurring sickness. I won’t wade too far into it in this article greatly; but reserve the right to state that it is encouraging we are all looking for the light at the end of the tunnel. This fact alone should tell everyone that the current way of life is not optimum, not sustainable and business as usual is generally what people are craving with perhaps a few modifications around the edges. Those modifications may look like working from home on Friday so you can start the weekend at 5.00pm, not two hours later.
The simple reality is that in a society so heavily invested in the existing infrastructure, short of bulldozing everything do we have the capacity to start again using today’s technology to shape tomorrow. The major infrastructure projects that government are talking about are roads, bridges, tunnels, rail networks etc. All examples of society’s long marriage to evolving yesterday’s ideas, but no blank canvas from which to start from scratch.
One of the great concerns that is gaining some momentum is the high level of youth unemployment. In this instance we will consider youth as 15-24 year olds given that this is a period in one’s life where long term values and moral compasses are set. This is society’s blank canvas and this blank canvas does not need more handouts. Before you get all PC on me, read on.
Australia is potentially heading down a path of economic uncertainty as our leaders and some business sectors start to consider what uncoupling from the Chinese economy may look like. No doubt this is not an attractive economic outlook and building bridges is always far better and prosperous than burning them. However Australia and Australians also have a right to stand up for what they believe in and every nation should have the right to ask questions diplomatically of others.
This uncertainty combined with the pandemic always affects the youngest employees the worst. It took almost a decade after the recession in the 1990’s for this underemployed age group to get back to pre-recession levels. This same cohort has never recovered fully from the GFC despite often quite generous periods of first home owner grants, federal encouragement for hiring young people etc. None of this has proven to be the magic bullet, though well intentioned and usually greatly received by those that could make use of it.
The unemployment rate for 15-24 year old persons; NSW, VIC & QLD
Australia prides itself as being the lucky country and sometimes the smart country. No doubt some of our greatest achievements have come through hardship and duress. Look at the innovation that our agriculture sector has exported throughout the world. We have developed vaccines for cervical cancer that will save millions of women throughout the world.
In a post pandemic environment where we are trying to stimulate the economy, there will be thousands of highly qualified young intellectuals that will be forced into serving coffees and meals because the economy is unable to accommodate them. Just for one moment, think how disillusioning that would feel to come out with a large HECS debt and very limited opportunities. A hand out is NOT what these people are looking for. Opportunity is what they so desperately want and what Australia needs to offer.
Everyone has heard the expression, “Give a person a fish and feed them for a day, teach them to fish and they will feed themselves for life”. Australia needs to create hubs that are overseen by our best and brightest that find solutions to problems both domestically and internationally. These must involve Universities, big business the government and our trade schools.
Brad Feld in his insightful book, “Start Up Communities” discusses the importance of building an entrepreneurial ecosystem in cities. This was critical in moving sleeping cities like Boulder Colorado to the forefront of providing creative tech solutions to the world. Australian cities have this opportunity right now. The current argey-bargey with China might be just the right catalyst the Government needs to start transitioning the economy to higher level outputs whilst continuing to support the resource sector.
The young have the skills, education, determination and have never been more connected both locally and globally, particularly with those relationships formed with international students. The young will lead the way, if only we give them the necessary infrastructure to let them create the future.
Matthew Gross | Director |
Suite 93, 26 Felix Street | BRISBANE | QLD | 4000